Illinois is a humid state. Compared to other states at our longitude, Illinois is known to have warm, muggy summers and reasonably damp winters. This creates an ongoing battle for comfort inside homes and commercial buildings. Whether you are talking about absolute humidity or relative humidity, the number tends to be high, which can lead to discomfort indoors.
Ideally, an efficient air conditioning system will help control both the temperature and humidity of your home’s interior. But what should humidity be in a house with air conditioning?
The ideal humidity indoors is 45-55%, and this article will help you understand what that means and how to achieve safe, comfortable humidity all year.
What is Humidity, and How Does It Work?
Humidity is measured by the percentage of moisture in the air. It can be discussed in two types of measurement: Absolute and relative humidity. Absolute humidity measures the moisture in the air in total. Relative humidity takes into account how much moisture the air can hold at each
Warm air has a greater capacity for humidity than cold air, which is both why winters tend to be
drier and – interestingly – why we notice less humidity in the summer. If relative humidity nears
100%, sweat stops evaporating, making us uncomfortable.
The second thing about humidity is that moisture seeks drier air. So if it is moist outdoors,
moisture will seep in through home materials and cracks in your insulation. If it is dry outside (like
in the winter), then your indoor humidity will seep outward.
Does AC Control Humidity?
The AC can help reduce humidity in your home in two ways. First, it cools the air, lowering your
interior’s humidity capacity.
The second way your AC helps remove humidity is through the evaporator coil. Because the
coil is cold, when warm, humid air passes across this cold coil, water is pulled out of the air and condenses on the coil. That water then drains from the coil. This process is what helps remove the majority of humidity in your home throughout the warm months.
What Exactly Is The Ideal Humidity For A Home?
What should humidity be in a house with air conditioning? The ideal humidity range is 45% – 55%.
If your humidity is any higher, your home may become an appealing place for mold and
bacteria to grow. Both mold and bacteria love a moisture laden area to start growing. You will also likely not enjoy a 60+% of humidity in terms of human comfort, no matter how summery your clothes become.
This summer, you can keep your home within a healthy humidity range with Energy Stars Heating & Cooling’s regular maintenance services. Schedule an inspection, tune-up, and insulation improvements to create a more effective moisture barrier from the weather and combat humidity generated inside the home, as well.
Trust the Experts at Energy Stars Heating & Cooling Co. for Optimal Comfort in Your Home
You deserve a comfortable home with a safe level of humidity. While Illinois may be humid, the
inside of your home doesn’t need to be. Now that you know what humidity levels should be inside of your home, Energy Stars Heating & Cooling can help you maintain that ideal level
for both comfort and safety. Contact us at 618-477-8337 to schedule your appointment.